Spotlight on Thai and Southeast Asian Contemporary Art History Special Talk & Book Presentation by iola Lenzi, with a Panel Discussion by Luckana Kunavichayanont and Manit Sriwanichpoom
Organised by Bangkok Art and Culture Centre
(Registration begins at 13:30)
13.30 – Registration
14.00 – PART 1: NEW BOOK
Power, Politics and the Street: contemporary art in Southeast Asia after 1970 (Lund Humphries, 2024) by iola Lenzi (Southeast Asian contemporary art specialist)
iola Lenzi introduces her new monograph illuminating the history of contemporary Southeast Asian art from its scattered 1970s beginnings to recent production. Highlighting works’ shared expressive traits across our diverse region, the book answers when, why, and how artists from Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, and later Vietnam, Cambodia, and Myanmar developed contemporary art languages. Showing this art’s innovating aesthetic, conceptual, and circulatory modes linked to local social-political-cultural contexts, the book argues for Southeast Asian contemporary art’s distinctive voice within global contemporary art.
14.45 – Q & A.
Subverted Borders: Contemporary Thai Art – Local Roots, Global Impact by iola Lenzi, Luckana Kunavichayanont and Manit Sriwanichpoom
They train an art historical spotlight on Thai contemporary art to explore how it contends with the specificities of Thai culture, history, and politics while transcending borders to resonate with global audiences.
15.45 – Q & A.
– This talk will conducted in english only
– Free admission & Registration required
Registration via Google Forms:
information provided by event organizer