



Auditory Visual Tactile : Synesthesia / Seeing sound : Hearing texture

Lukso Jiang


8 - 28 Jun 2024

Synesthesia is a neurological phenomenon where one sense manifests as another. Some people taste certain words, see names as colors, or touch an object and hear a sound. Lukso Jiang has auditory-visual synesthesia, allowing her to perceive colorful visuals as motions and textures when she hears. She translates her experiences of hearing music, spoken words, and even background noise into striking, colorful abstract pieces that are full of emotion. This exhibition will represent ’the aesthetic abnormality‘ through the art she created.

Synesthesia and Autism
This condition is mostly found in people with autism, resulting from hypersensitivity. Lukso perceives sound as visual images, which is inevitable. She was officially diagnosed with autism recently. She found out that the abstract visuals she experiences whenever she hears sounds are not typical. However, this condition makes her struggle with daily life due to sensory overload. She is usually nervous and anxious because of the surrounding sounds, while others can deal with this kind of situation much more easily. To imagine it, it’s like having mosquitoes flying around your ears all the time

information provided by event organizer